Department of Biological Sciences • University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

Email: • Twitter: @webbshastaGoogle Scholar

Link to CV PDF: Shasta Webb CV

Submitted MANUSCRipts

  1. Webb, S. E, Carboni, S, DePasquale, A., Williamson, R. E., Cheves Hernandez, S., Lopez, R., Melin, A. D. (2023, in review). Social and ecological drivers of behavioural diversity in wild Costa Rican capuchins. Behavioural Ecology. Submission ID: BEHECO-2023-0247

  2. Webb, S. E., Orkin, J. D., Williamson, R. E., and Melin, A. D. (2023, in review). Activity budget and gut microbiome structure across reproductive states in wild, female capuchin monkeys. Animal Microbiome. Submission ID: fb6f4e70-3240-4a59-a37d-fafadaf8c16a


(*denotes co-first authorship)

  1. Webb, S. E., Teullet, S., & Stothart, M. R. (2022) Growing and maintaining a network for early career researchers through the Animal Microbiome Research Group. Evolutionary Anthropology.

  2. Melin, A. D., Veilleux, C. C., Janiak, M. C., Hiramatsu, C., Sánchez-Solano, K. G., Lundeen, I. K., Webb, S. E., Williamson, R. E., Mah, M. A., & Murillo-Chacon, E. (2022) Anatomy and dietary specialization influence sensory behaviour among sympatric primates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289(1981), 20220847.

  3. Williamson, R. E.*, Webb, S. E.*, Dubreuil, C., Lopez, R., Cheves Hernandez, S., Fedigan, L. M., & Melin, A. D. (2021) Sharing spaces: Niche differentiation in diet and substrate use among wild capuchin monkeys. Animal Behaviour. 

  4. DePasquale, A. N., Webb, S. E., Williamson, R. E., Fedigan, L. M., & Melin, A. D. (2021) Testing the niche differentiation hypothesis in wild capuchin monkeys with polymorphic color vision. Behavioral Ecology, arab001.

  5. Melin, A. D., Hogan, J. D., Campos, F. A., Wikberg, E., King‐Bailey, G., Webb, S. E., Kalbitzer, U., Asensio, N., Murillo‐Chacon, E., Hernandez, S. C., Chavarria, A. G., Schaffner, C. M., Kawamura, S., Aureli, F., Fedigan, L., & Jack, K. M. (2020) Primate life history, social dynamics, ecology, and conservation: Contributions from long-term research in Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Biotropica, 52(6), 1041–1064.

  6. Orkin, J.*, Webb, S. E.*, & Melin, A. (2019) Small to modest impact of social group on the gut microbiome of wild Costa Rican capuchins in a seasonal forest. American Journal of Primatology, 81(11), e22985.

  7. Melin, A. D., Webb, S. E., Williamson, R. E., & Chiou, K. L. (2018) Data Collection in Field Primatology: A Renewed Look at Measuring Foraging Behaviour. In U. Kalbitzer & K. M. Jack (Eds.), Primate Life Histories, Sex Roles, and Adaptability: Essays in Honour of Linda M. Fedigan (pp. 161–192). Springer International Publishing.

  8. Webb, S. E., & McCoy, M. B. (2014) Ecotourism and primate habituation: Behavioral variation in two groups of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) from Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 62(3), 909–918.